Time Out A short story by Mark Simpson Part of the Fourth Doctor Fiction collection And a five part crossover with The X Files Harry looked around himself in awe. The cars on the street were obviously more modern then the ones he was used to seeing at home. There was a McDonalds across the street, a rarity at home. This was indeed the future. The Doctor was not interested in any of this, however. He was studying a hand held device with coloured lights all over it. It was making a low beeping noise. "This way, Harry." The Doctor set off in one direction, then realised he was alone. He turned round. "Harry!" Harry Sullivan snapped out of his reverie. "Sorry, Doctor, I was just taking in the scenery." "Well, try the scenery in this direction." Harry quickly caught up with his friend. "You've got a lead on this time spillage thing, then?" he asked. "This is an Etheric Beam Locator, also good for finding Ion charged emissions," the Doctor said, indicating the device. "I've modified it to detect temporal fluctuations." Suddenly a green light winked out and a blue one came on. "That's interesting," the Doctor commented. "What is?" "I'm detecting Artron Energy." "Is that good?" "Depends on your definition of good, Harry. Artron Energy is the power source of a TARDIS." "Could it be yours?" "Well, mine's not leaking like this is. Then again, it could be a future version of me, in which case it could be my TARDIS. But that could be very complicated." "It sounds like it," Harry commented. "You don't know the half of it," the Doctor said cryptically. The Doctor's detector had led them to a large warehouse. All the lights were now on and the slight beeping sound had risen in pitch to a shrill whistle. "Looks like we've arrived, Harry," the Doctor commented. They walked all the way round the warehouse, trying doors as they went. It was locked up tight. "No way in," Harry said as they met again at the front of the building. "There's always a way," the Doctor replied, producing his sonic screwdriver from a pocket. He set to work on the large padlock securing the double doors at the front of the warehouse. Within a minute the padlock was in the Doctor's hand. "Is there anything that device can't do?" asked Harry. "Well, it can't make tea. Shall we?" The Doctor indicated the doors. They were about to haul one of the doors open when a female voice sounded behind them. "Freeze, you two. F.B.I. agents. Stay right where you are or we shoot!"